Sunrise over Green River Lake (Kodak)
Since we get up at 4:30 AM to start work at 6 AM, this 7:30 AM shot was not taken on a work day!
Most days, we get back to the campground just in time to say goodnight to the sun.
Sunset at GRL.- (Nikon DSLR)
An "oh no, I have no camera with me" shot of the full moon. (Droid-sadly, Larry did not know it was set on low res) Still a neat shot.
Here are some views of our friends, the vultures. (Kodak)
(Droid )
This pretty much says it all.The pic above is also the Droid before we figured out how to change the resolution. When I enlarge this, it looks like a watercolor. Pretty cool, except for the beach crowd!
Here is a nicer local resident I managed to capture just before sundown. (Nikon)
Larry's sister, Linda, and her friend, (also) Linda, had to say goodbye to their dog a while ago. Last week they came to KY and picked up a new best friend at a kennel about 10 miles from Campbellsville.
Meet Miss Fiona O'Flynn!
Ready to start back to Akron.
Nothing like a cute puppy to leave you with a smile on your face!
Looks like this will be all for a while. Larry just came in and said we now have to start work at 5 AM and work until at least 4:30 (but they would "like" us to work 12 hours) Regular employees have no choice...there is no union to protest.
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