Monday, November 29, 2010


Working 10 hour days at a certain fulfillment facility certainly does drain every once of energy right out of a person. Although it's not required, they would "like" for everyone to bump their weekly hours to 55. Not sure I've got that in me. I'll have more to say about the job after we are done for the season. Anyway, while Larry is working an extra day today, I'm trying to catch up on several things, including my blog posts. This is a collection we hope you enjoy.

Sunrise over Green River Lake (Kodak)
Since we get up at 4:30 AM to start work at 6 AM, this 7:30 AM shot was not taken on a work day!
Most days, we get back to the campground just in time to say goodnight to the sun.
Sunset at GRL.- (Nikon DSLR)

An "oh no, I have no camera with me" shot of the full moon. (Droid-sadly, Larry did not know it was set on low res) Still a neat shot.

Here are some views of our friends, the vultures. (Kodak)

(Droid )
This pretty much says it all.
 The pic above is also the Droid before we figured out how to change the resolution. When I enlarge this, it looks like a watercolor. Pretty cool, except for the beach crowd!
Here is a nicer local resident I managed to capture just before sundown. (Nikon)
Larry's sister, Linda, and her friend, (also) Linda, had to say goodbye to their dog a while ago. Last week they came to KY and picked up a new best friend at a kennel about 10 miles from Campbellsville.
Meet Miss Fiona O'Flynn!

 Ready to start back to Akron.
Nothing like a cute puppy to leave you with a smile on your face!
 Looks like this will be all for a while. Larry just came in and said we now have to start work at 5 AM and work until at least 4:30 (but they would "like" us to work 12 hours) Regular employees have no choice...there is no union to protest.

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