Monday, March 28, 2011

LBJ 100 Bike Tour

Saturday was the LBJ metric century ride at the LBJ Ranch. Distances of 10, 30 & 42 miles were also included. Something for everyone.
Larry and I arrived at 6:15 AM and found our way to the starting area. Even as it became light, it was cloudy with a cold wind blowing. Everyone had dressed for the predicted 90 degree afternoon temps. I prayed the sun would burn through the mist soon.
Larry is joined by Charlotte and rangers Jon and Cindy waiting for our assignments.

The sun was finally rising as we saw the first wave of cars arriving.

Soon, even LBJ arrived! The man on the right is the Superintendent of LYJO, Russ Whitlock.

 The ride started at 9 AM with "LBJ" leading the 1,200 riders down the road past the "Texas White House."
 He was followed by a group of "Wounded Warriors" from the veterans' rehab facility in San Antonio.
They were followed by an assortment of riders, family groups, bike club members, a group of riders from the University of Texas and their favorite alumnus, Luci Baines Johnson.
Larry and I spent most of the day directing traffic at various intersections around the ranch. The clear sky and 90 degree temps certainly made our time "toasty."
The majority of riders returned to the starting line by 1:30 to a lunch of grilled sausage sandwiches and ice-cold beer. Luci joined the UT riders at the finish line to share a group performance of the UT fight song.

These students are actually a part of the Texas 4000 group who are riding 4000 miles to raise money for cancer research.
More info at 

At 2:30, about 100 riders joined Luci for a riding tour of her childhood home. Stops were made at various points around the ranch including in front of the house and at the Johnson family cemetery where her parents rest side by side.

The ranger holding the speaker is Alex. He just turned 30 last week. The tough looking guy in the background is former Marine, Patrick Pelarski...Ski to us. He is a real character and not as tough as he looks. Ski was the ranger in charge of the event. I think he is very happy to have another LBJ 100 OVER! Larry did an excellent job cleaning and prepping the park's bikes for the rangers!

Luci's talk (and talk and talk) was an interesting look into the life of this presidential family.

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