Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hey Y'all and Yee-Haw???

Nine days since the last blog post. Where have we advanced in those nine days??
Mostly...from the couch...
and to the couch, part 2!

 This has been pretty much my spot for the last four days.
I have named our ailment the "Gulf Shores Plague." I have the regular allergy ailments, but neither of us ever gets really sick...and definitely, we do not spike a temp! In fact, I know exactly when my temperature last was 101 or higher. May, 1987. In other words, this was quite an event; definitely some strain of the flu not included in the annual shot (our friends who had the shot got it first). Well, 24 years without the shot and without getting the flu is a pretty good record. I hope it continues for another 24! (Please, please)
In nine days, we also traveled about 750 miles through three states and are on-the-job in Texas. On January eighth, we said good-bye to Gulf Shores and headed west.
I took a walk on Friday evening before we left and enjoyed the beauty we hope to see again next year.

We managed to escape the ice that arrived on Sunday in the states we traversed. Good thing!
After a good night's sleep in Baymont, TX (W-Mart p.l.), we moved on. Mid afternoon brought the signs we were looking for.

By noon on Monday, 1/10,  we were settled in at the dead end of Back Forty Road, with three other volunteer rvs.

We have our own laundry room.
The scooter has escaped from its shackles.
 Larry is finally getting to enjoy his "man cave!"

Views from our front porch

 So we have crossed yet another bridge. We hope this new venture will bring good things our way.
Right now, it's time to get off the couch and join in the Lone Star spirit!
Hope this one gave you a laugh....

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