Friday, August 5, 2011


I've already posted some unusual weather pics, but last week we had an evening thunder storm with amazing results.

All of these shots were taken while I was standing in the door of our home on wheels. I cropped out the "neighborhood" in the pics above. Here are two to show that what you see is the exact and amazing sight Larry and I experienced.


It's always great to have friends drop by for a visit. We do miss our Ohio bike club and the many great people we've joined on the road.
John & Elaine Snively stopped overnight on their way back to Michigan after visiting Elaine's brother in Idaho.
The weather here has been fairly unstable this week and we changed our plans in an attempt to avoid t-storms.
Here are some pics from our tour of the Pintler route and north of I-90 through the valleys below Helena National Forest.
 John teeters on the edge of a drop off to get a pic of the Flint Creek Falls.
After burgers in Drummond, we drove north to Helmsville and enjoyed the golden hours prior to sunset.
 These pics look north toward the Scapegoat Wilderness.
 Too beautiful for words....

 The above normal precipitation has made for a good hay harvest and lots of unusual green-ness.
 This reservoir is west of Avon.

 On Wednesday morning, we showed John and Elaine around the ranch. John really got involved working on some new skills with the rope.

 Our resident cowboy, Allan, was being very helpful and nice until he asked John where he grew up. John said Massillon, Ohio and that's when things changed... and I found out something about Allan that I'd not known. As it turns out, Allan was born and raised in Canton, Ohio and graduated from Lehman HS! This came as quite a surprise. It was not a surprise that Allan immediately "got an attitude" since Canton and Massillon schools have always had a HUGE rivalry over the years. He decided that anyone from Massillon was "hopeless" and left John to his own devices. (Tsk-tsk)
 "You're from where???????"
 "Get back here!"

 "Could you please just step in??"
 "Okay, I'll sneak up from behind."

We did have fun, but soon it was time for a quick lunch and packing up before the clouds decided to form.
 As the drops began to fall, we bid our friends safe travels.