Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Catching Up With Ourselves

September was quite a while ago and I guess it's time to let the world know what we've been doing.

We arrived in Ohio at the end of September and got right into our round of appointments with doctors and dentists. Our report - We are older, healthy, not necessarily wiser...but NO cavities! 

This was the first time that "home" seemed like a foreign place. After nine months elsewhere, it seemed there were many things we had to relearn. We set about reorganizing our brains and tending to the messy condition of the patio and front walk area.

We did manage to enjoy a few days without rain riding the towpath. We had intended to fit in some rides with our SCBC friends. The weather did not cooperate with that plan.

 The fall colors were beautiful as always.


We also enjoyed time with Kitty & Bob, our wonderful condo neighbors and also Miss Lainey and her family. We asked Lainey to "adopt" Sammy Monkeysocks. Her mommy has been sending us pics of Sammy's fun activities with Lainey.
In turn, we send them messages from our traveling companion, Sparky Monkeysocks. He enjoys sharing his adventures!
 Sparky is a good traveling companion...rarely complains!

The few weeks in Ohio passed quickly. We packed up and left for Columbus the last weekend of October. It was nice to spend a day with Alyssa and Dustin before heading south.
Our next stop was Mammoth Cave NP where we spent five days hiking and riding our mountain bikes. The campground was mostly empty and we enjoyed the dark, quiet nights. 
 I've had my Trek bike for 3+ years, but have only taken it out a couple times. We decided to take the mountain & hybrid bikes this year and leave the tandem behind. It helps with garage space in the trailer and we think we will use the mountain bikes more than we did the tandem.

I especially like the disc brakes Larry put on for me. Saves a lot of pain in my hands!

The park has a nine-mile bike trail that mostly follows an old rail bed. 

I was having a great time until we crossed over a forest-access road where I encountered an unexpected pile of limestone gravel.
That ended my ride for the day. I hobbled along while Larry rode back to the campground and brought the truck back for me and the bike. This knee actually is better than the other leg that, after two weeks, still has the two huge bruises. (John, you understand what I'm sayin'!)
 Most of our remaining time at the park was spent hiking. I absolutely did not want to risk another crash.
This is a working ferry crossing the Green River in the park.
 It was so pretty at Mammoth, even though a lot of leaves were already gone from the trees.

This is a section of the original train that brought visitors to the park.

There are several small caves in addition to Mammoth.

Following our peaceful retreat, we traveled to Campbellsville, KY for our job at Amazon. The best part of the deal is staying at Green River Lake State Park. We weren't assigned the jobs that were "promised" to us. Instead, we are working as order pickers. Starting in about a week, we will be working 11 hours per shift for four days with a possible fifth, required day. Yep, that's 55 working hours each week. The only benefit in this is our work schedule, TH-M. That means weekend pay rate.
 Until next time...be safe, stay healthy and be happy!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"We go now."

I was told that in certain indian tribes, the term "goodbye" is never used because that would mean the end of a friendship. Instead, good friends part by saying, "I go now."
And so we now part from friends, some perhaps forever, but for others, our paths will again cross. 

Scooter & Loretta - Florida

Ron, Scooter, Larry & Jason, Chief of Resources - Montana

Sherry - Ron's wife - Tennessee

Slade, Alisha, Theresa & Rikki - great Montana kids

Fay & Steve - Minnesota

 Kai and Ron

Kai & Jaquy  Montana
 Deb - Wisconsin

Jim - Montana
 Juanita - Montana
 Debbie - Maryland
 Sam - Colorado
 Ron - California

Nellie - Va. (I think)
 Norbert - Wisconsin (husband of Deb)

Kathie & Chuck - Arizona
 Alan - native of Canton, Ohio

Ken - Kansas
 Carmen - South Dakota (via SC)


Lyndel - Montana

Julie, Chief of Interp. - Buffalo, NY
 And of course...these two strange people who are on their way back to Ohio for a short visit.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I've already posted some unusual weather pics, but last week we had an evening thunder storm with amazing results.

All of these shots were taken while I was standing in the door of our home on wheels. I cropped out the "neighborhood" in the pics above. Here are two to show that what you see is the exact and amazing sight Larry and I experienced.