Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Renfro Valley

Larry and I visited Renfro Valley in November, but returned last Saturday to see their Christmas show. I was hoping to get some pics with their Christmas lights. It was a cold, snowy and dark day, but only a few lights were turned on. The shots from our November visit are first.

In addition to the performance venues, the county historic society has many restored buildings from the area on the grounds. We enjoyed touring them.

In trouble again!

Here comes the Judge.
 I don't think she will hear your case, Larry.
 Nap time!

 The show was centered around the Santa Claus Express...a real CSX train that travels through eastern Kentucky each year bringing gifts to the children of the coal mining towns.Local musicians are frequently joined by country music headliners on the train and entertain the people they greet in each small town.

Sunday we woke up to blowing snow and it has been well below freezing so far this week.
 Even though we are not in Ohio, we took time to decorate our "home." We are busy at Amazon sending out those presents to everyone. Another 11 hour day ahead tomorrow. The treat will be Amazon giving everyone lunch of baked potato topped with chili. Yum, yum!